Halloween Frankfurters mummies

Halloween Frankfurters mummies. The frankfurters wrapped in puff pastry are a delicious dish, here is a version with a Halloween theme. They are very quick to prepare, you will only need 3 ingredients. And just wrap the frankfurter with puff pastry strips, to make them look like real mummies. Then a few pieces of olive for the eyes and that’s it!

Halloween Frankfurters mummies

Ingredients (12 mummies):

  • 1 roll of puff pastry
  • 12 small frankfurters
  • 4 pitted black olives


  1. First of all, take care of making strips from the puff pastry about 0.5 cm thick. Even if they are not too regular it is not a problem, after all it will be the bandages of our mummies.
  2. Then wrap the sausages with the strips of puff pastry, trying to leave as little space as possible between one strip and the other, and instead leaving a small portion uncovered for the face.
  3. Then cut the olives into small cubes and fit two of them in the space free from the pastry, so as to form the eyes.
  4. Bake in a preheated static oven at 180°C for about 12-15 minutes. Bake on the medium-low shelf of the oven as the mummies should not get too golden, otherwise they would be mummies.
  5. Remove from the oven and serve warm or cold, you can accompany them with ketchup or mustard, depending on what you prefer.