Yogurt focaccia with Arnad lard and honey

Yogurt focaccia with Arnad lard and honey. Versione italiana. These scones are very simple to prepare and are at the same time crunchy on the surface and very soft inside, also thanks to the presence of yogurt. With a touch of salt on the surface and rosemary, they can also be eaten alone for a nutritious breakfast or snack.In this case, however, I thought of salting them a little less on the surface and combining them with a few slices of Arnad lard DOP and Chestnut Honey from Valle d’Aosta, which with its typical sweet flavor, but not too much, is perfect to combine with this salami. Since lard itself is very flavorful, in this case it is not necessary to add coarse or fine salt to the scones before cooking them.

Questa immagine ha l'attributo alt vuoto; il nome del file è focaccine_allo_yogurt_con_lardo_darnad_e_miele_12-960x720.jpg

Yogurt focaccia with Arnad lard and honey

Ingredients: (8-10 scones)

  • 300g flour 00
  • 125g plain yogurt
  • 8g salt
  • 1/2 sachet of dry yeast
  • 100ml warm water
  • 1 teaspoon of sugar
  • 300g lard of Arnad
  • 8-10 teaspoons of Chestnut Honey (1 per muffin)
  • Rosemary


  1. First of all, take care of the preparation of the scones, dissolving the yeast in warm water with a teaspoon of sugar.
  2. Then pour it into the mixer, together with the flour, yogurt and salt and mix until it is well strung. You can also knead by hand, in this case put the flour in a bowl first, then the yeast dissolved in water and sugar and the yogurt and start kneading lightly before adding the salt.
  3. At this point put the dough to rise for at least 1 hour or in any case until doubled, possibly in a fairly warm place (at least 26° C). In the colder season you can put it in the oven with the light on, this is already enough to get a good leavening.
  4. Once doubled, form 8-10 balls and then, greasing your hands with oil, flatten them with your fingers, trying to get as round a shape as possible.
  5. Brush with oil and sprinkle with a little rosemary. In the version stuffed with Arnad lard and honey we will omit the additional salt on the surface.
  6. Then let it rise another half hour and in the meantime heat the static oven to 200 ° C, then cook for about 15 minutes, for half the time in the lower part of the oven and then moving them upwards. You will need to get some well-browned scones, but not too dark.
  7. While they cook, take care of slicing the lard into thin slices. Shortly after having baked the scones, stuff them with a couple of slices of lard and a teaspoon of honey, when they are not too cold yet.
  8. In this way the lard will heat slightly and so will the honey and I assure you that hot or lukewarm they are even better and perfect for your aperitifs or aperitifs.